Staffing and Hiring Resolutions to Keep for 2017

Staffing and Hiring Resolutions to Keep for 2017

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Resolutions are everywhere this time of year. While great for personal goal-setting, New Year’s resolutions can be just as beneficial from a business perspective, particularly if you commit to fulfilling them long after the blustery winter weeks of the beginning of the year have come and gone.

As we wave farewell to 2016 and prepare to usher in the beginnings that come with a new year, here are a few Talent Acquisition resolutions that can help you revamp your staffing and recruitment strategies.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive: Take a page from the book of Lessons Learned, and commit to identifying bottlenecks and potential staffing gaps before facing disaster. If you’re like many companies, you already know the pains associated with hiring missteps. Review what went wrong in the past and what you could have done better so you’re not forced into the same challenges in the coming year. If you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid this pitfall thus far, don’t tempt fate.

It takes time to build a pipeline of top-notch IT talent and great contract employees, as a great example. If you wait until you need someone right now, your lack of staffing forecasting could bring your project to an untimely halt.

Define Culture and Attract Talent: If you’ve had trouble identifying talent that is a good culture fit, it’s time to define the attributes that make your company unique. This will allow staffing partners and candidates to match the company critical needs of talent that has technical skill sets and individual personalities mesh with your organization as a whole.

Turnover is frustrating and costly, but it’s often avoidable when a bit of work is done upfront to ensure a seamless onboarding on the throughout.

Pay Attention to Retention: The tides have changed since the economy first began to dig its way out of the recession. Key employees no longer feel honored just to have a job; they know they’re valuable, and they’ll go elsewhere if you don’t put energy into retaining top talent. Don’t forget the job market is now driven by the candidate.

Budget for the Best and Brightest Talent: End-of-year numbers may have already come and gone, but forecasting for future projects should be flexible enough to attract and retain top talent when you need to add to a growing team.

When there is a critical project timeline, the last thing a company wants to happen is to lose excellent IT talent or contract candidates with niche skill sets because the budget didn’t include a buffer to be flexible for highly sought after candidates.

Stay Aware and Apprised of Staffing Trends: Maintaining an edge in the marketplace means knowing what competitors are doing across their business, particularly hiring strategies. Staying up-to-date on staffing trends can mean the difference between making moves and missing out on major players.

Make 2017 the year to stick to New Year’s resolutions! If you need help keeping your 2017 staffing and hiring resolutions, give us a call at (302) 709-0973!

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