9 Warning Signs of an Ineffective Employee Engagement Program

9 Warning Signs of an Ineffective Employee Engagement Program

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Employee engagement has become an extremely popular topic at companies across the country. Most of what’s written about employee engagement covers what it even means, dismal stats about pervasively low engagement rates, or tips on how your company can improve it. However, the best and most successful companies have realized how important it is to have employees who really care about what they do and why they’re doing it.

As millennials quickly dominate the workforce, the significance of employee engagement has never been stronger. The days when all that mattered was a steady paycheck, yearly promotions and standard vacation days are gone. This generation of young people wants to know that their work is valued and helps serve as a benefit to society.

It’s highly likely that your office has established some type of employee engagement program or plans to keep up with this growing trend. But how can you really tell if your team members are enjoying their jobs and, more importantly, finding purpose behind their work?

The infographic below will show you the 9 signs that your employee engagement program isn’t working.

If you’d like to read more, check out the original article on SnackNation’s blog here.

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