What should I bring to my job interview?

What should I bring to my job interview?

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After you settle from the excitement about your upcoming interview, some reality sets in. My work is not done yet, time to get prepared, you think. You start thinking about the types of questions your interviewer will ask you and plan to make sure your suit is clean and pressed. And hopefully you don’t wait until the minute before you should be starting your commute to get to the interview on time (10-15 minutes early) to think about what you need to bring with you.

You may have asked the recruiter or interviewer what you should bring to your interview in advance, but even if you did, some things are unspoken musts. So, what SHOULD you bring with you to an interview?

This infographic from UConn’s Center for Career Development outlines 10 things you should bring to your job interview.

Are you prepared?

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